Hearing Loss May Affect Your Memory

Hearing Loss May Affect Your Memory

Here is 5 ways hearing loss may affect your memory. As you get older people consider hearing loss and cognitive impairment as normal. However, hearing loss and cognitive impairment may be an indication of the start of Alzheimer’s. Your hearing is an important role in...
High Cholesterol and Hearing Loss

High Cholesterol and Hearing Loss

It is known that there is a link between cardiovascular disease and hearing loss, and high blood pressure and hearing loss. Is there a connection between high cholesterol and hearing loss? High cholesterol, technical term – Hyperlipidemia, has been a problem for many...
Eustachian Tube Dysfunction

Eustachian Tube Dysfunction

The most common reason for ears to feel clogged or plugged is due to something called Eustachian Tube Dysfunction (Eustachian is pronounced “You-Station”). The Eustachian tube connects the back of the nose to the middle ear and serves to protect, ventilate and drain...
How to clean your ears

How to clean your ears

Earwax (technical term Cerumen) is the key to a healthy ear. Earwax collects dirt, debris and bacteria from entering the ear. It has lubrication properties to keep the ears from getting dry and itchy. Earwax is an unpleasant obstacle to keeping your ears clean. Yes,...
Holiday Blues and Hearing Loss

Holiday Blues and Hearing Loss

The holidays are coming up and even with the Covid out there some of us are looking forward to going to parties or getting together with our extended family in both November and December. Many of us don’t mind that they have already started playing Christmas music,...